Sigma Nu at ASU – Cultivating Leaders of Tomorrow

At Arizona State University (ASU), Sigma Nu fraternity stands out not just for its commitment to brotherhood and academic excellence, but also for its deep involvement in student governance and campus life. Known as a breeding ground for future leaders, Sigma Nu’s Zeta Upsilon chapter has consistently demonstrated its dedication to fostering leadership and advocacy among its members, a commitment that is reflected in the numerous accolades the chapter has received, including being named IFC Chapter of the Year four consecutive years, earning the Sigma Nu Rock Chapter award three years running and receiving numerous NIC Awards of Distinction. Additionally, the chapter has had more student body presidents than any other fraternity or sorority on campus in the school’s history.  

A Legacy of Leadership 

Sigma Nu’s active participation in the ASU Undergraduate Student Government (USG) is a cornerstone of its mission. In the 2023-2024 academic year alone, 16 Sigma Nu brothers served as senators, a testament to the fraternity’s influence and presence within student governance. As the 2024-2025 academic year approaches, eight Sigma Nu members have been elected to continue this tradition, holding senator seats across various colleges within the university. Will Hanson, a senior member of Sigma Nu and the current Senate President, remarked, “Leadership is a major principle of Sigma Nu – Zeta Upsilon. I’m very proud to see that eight of my brothers have been elected to senator seats among various colleges. Their passion to influence this campus excites me a lot as they head towards the new academic school year with a lot of ideas and intentions to develop student life and make the campus more inclusive.” 

Commitment to Community and Excellence 

Scott Rutledge, the Chapter Advisor, emphasized the fraternity’s role in shaping campus leadership: “We are the premier leadership fraternity at ASU. It is extremely important to hold positions within USG as student government is by definition to be run by the best leaders available. At Sigma Nu, we strive not only to be leaders but the best leaders who care for the communities we represent. We are committed to improving the community, making it better than the way we found it.” Rutledge has a tremendous track record as Chapter Advisor encouraging each member to be as involved on campus as possible. In recent years, he has been awarded: NIC Advisor Award of Distinction, Sigma Nu Advisor of the Year and ASU Greek Advisor of the year.  

Influencing Campus Culture 

The impact of Sigma Nu’s involvement extends beyond elections and titles. Jake Crosby, the current Sigma Nu president and a recently re-elected senator for the School of Business, highlights the broader implications of their involvement: “The brothers of Zeta Upsilon being involved in the Undergraduate Student Government is a true testament to our principles of leadership and service toward our community. Being able to empower our brothers to serve in such positions allows us to improve the campus culture and environment of Arizona State, which we take great pride in being a part of. We are honored to be trusted to advocate for the needs and concerns of our respective colleges, Greek life and the entire student body.” 

Shaping the Future at ASU 

Sigma Nu at ASU has firmly established itself as a pillar of leadership, integrity and service. Through its members’ active participation in student government and other campus activities, Sigma Nu continues to influence and enhance the student experience at ASU. As these young leaders rise through the ranks of college governance, they carry forward the values instilled in them by their fraternity, promising a legacy of positive change and exemplary leadership at ASU and beyond.