Empowering Leadership through Brotherhood: Hayden Horn’s Journey with Sigma Nu 

Hayden Horn

In the heart of Southern Methodist University (SMU), Hayden Horn’s leadership journey has been nothing short of inspiring. A dedicated member of Sigma Nu Fraternity, Hayden has exemplified the values of brotherhood and leadership both within his fraternity and on the broader campus community. His role as a Student Senator for the Cox School of Business showcases the profound impact that fraternity life can have on personal and professional development. 

The Role of Sigma Nu in Hayden’s Leadership Journey 

“My fraternity was instrumental in my leadership journey in college,” Hayden reflects. The camaraderie and support from his Sigma Nu brothers were pivotal in his decision to run for Student Senate. “Others in my fraternity were involved in Student Senate, which inspired me to run. They guided me throughout my journey, and my fraternity brothers helped encourage me.” 

Sigma Nu’s influence extended beyond mere inspiration. The fraternity played a crucial role in Hayden’s campaign, helping to “get out the vote” and providing a network of support that was instrumental in his election victory. “They also encouraged me behind the scenes and gave me ideas about what affects their student experience,” Hayden recalls. This collective effort underscores the power of fraternity unity in achieving common goals. 

Motivations for Running and the Influence of Fraternity Experience 

Hayden’s decision to run for Student Senate was driven by a deep commitment to improving the student experience at SMU. “I ran for Student Senate because I am highly involved on campus and wanted to use this experience to help others,” he explains. His firsthand experiences with the challenges and opportunities within the university system motivated him to advocate for his peers, ensuring that their voices were heard and their needs addressed. 

The leadership roles Hayden held within Sigma Nu, including serving as Vice President and Marshal, were significant in shaping his aspirations and capabilities. “Serving as Vice President of my fraternity inspired me to run. I knew about difficulties when dealing with the school or other groups. I wanted to streamline the student leadership experience and make it easier to be involved.” These roles provided Hayden with insights and skills that were invaluable in his student government pursuits. 

The Importance of Fraternity and Sorority Involvement on Campus 

Hayden firmly believes in the critical role that fraternity and sorority members play in campus leadership. “We are the largest group of leaders on many campuses and we should advocate for ourselves,” he asserts. The involvement in student government not only benefits the fraternity and sorority members but also enriches the entire campus community by bringing diverse perspectives and leadership skills to the table. 

Beyond Sigma Nu, Hayden’s leadership extends into various aspects of campus life. He has served as the SMU Police Training Advisory, Head Usher of the Tate Lecture Series, and as a Board Member on the SMU Vice President of Student Affairs Advisory Board. Each of these roles has further honed his leadership abilities and commitment to service. 

Hayden Horn’s journey at SMU illustrates the profound impact that fraternity life can have on developing campus leaders. Through Sigma Nu, Hayden found not only a brotherhood but a foundation of support, encouragement, and opportunity. His story is a testament to the power of fraternity involvement in shaping effective, passionate, and dedicated leaders who are ready to make a difference in their communities.